Sunday, 6 May 2018



Scripture References:
1 Samuel 2:1-11,  Psalm 113:7-8, Psalm 118:25, Psalm 1:2-3, 3 John 2, Deuteronomy 8:18.

Webster English dictionary defines poverty as lack or want of money or material possessions. It also describes poverty as being a destitute or a pauper. The Bible however gives us a completely different picture of poverty. As far as the word of God is concerned, poverty goes beyond just the physical needs such as money. You are considered poor in every area of your life where you are not prospering. Therefore, poverty is the opposite of kingdom or dominion prosperity. This being the case, you can be poor in various areas of your life. You can be poor in spiritual things. You can be poor in health. You can also be poor in marital blessings.

Poverty is also a spiritual problem. There are spirits, principalities, and powers behind poverty. Once these entities are destroyed poverty will disappear. Most of these are kept in place by unbroken evil covenants and curses. There are certain dreams that indicate that the spirit of poverty is at work in a person’s life. You may be seeing rats running around in your dream. You may be seeing wretched looking personalities in your dream.

You may see your money and possessions in the wrong hands. You may be seeing fake money in your dream. You may be handling or seeing coins in your dreams. You may be spending money; paying for things; or giving away money in your dream. You may be walking barefooted in your dream. You may see your money and other precious things buried. Dreams of nakedness should also be taken seriously.
Poverty is the opposite of dominion prosperity. Therefore, if we know what dominion prosperity is, we know that poverty is anything that is the opposite of that. What then is dominion prosperity? Important Update: Would you like to know about the meaning of your dreams likewise Warfare

1. Poverty is the opposite of prosperity.
2. Poverty is not equal to holiness.
3. God wants us to prosper in every area of life. 3 John 2.
4. There are foundational problems behind most cases of poverty. A good example was Jabez whose name limited him until he cried to God for deliverance. 1 Chronicles 4:10.
5. Poverty is contrary to our divine inheritance in Christ. Jesus became poor that we, through Him, might be rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9.
6. Poverty should be avoided like the plague.
7. God gives His children power to get wealth and not be poor. Deuteronomy 8:18, Proverbs 8:18. God promotes and demotes. 

Dominion prosperity is Kingdom prosperity.
It is prosperity that originates from God and out covenant relationship with Him. Let us now look further into what kingdom prosperity is.
1. Kingdom prosperity is prosperity that does not depend on the state of the economy.
2. Kingdom prosperity is prosperity that does not depend another person.
3. Kingdom prosperity is prosperity that does not depend on anything.
4. Kingdom prosperity is prosperity that does not depend on whether there is a famine in the land and adverse conditions that come with famine.
5. Kingdom prosperity is prosperity that is not influenced by availability or non-availability of employment.
6. Kingdom prosperity is prosperity that does not depend on what obtains in a particular environment.
7. Kingdom prosperity is prosperity that cannot be silenced by the agents of poverty.
8. Kingdom prosperity is prosperity that repositions you to take your rightful place.
9. Kingdom prosperity is prosperity that does give room to profitless hard-work to remain in place.
10. Kingdom prosperity is prosperity that forces darkness to vomit what it has swallowed.
11. Kingdom prosperity is available to every born again child of God.
12. Kingdom prosperity is takes its root from divine provision.
Divine provision is provision that flows from God.
1. Dominion prosperity fall upon my life now.
2. I bury every satanic famine operating in any area of my life, in the name of Jesus.
3. Power of dominion prosperity fall upon my life now, in the name of Jesus. 

Poverty comes into a person’s life through different means.
We will now look at them one by one.
1. Unresolved Foundational Problems A key source of foundational problems are ancestral spirits and the unbroken evil covenants and curses that keep them in place. These include the evil powers of your father’s house and the evil power of your mother’s house. It also includes ancestral strongmen that enforce the evil covenants and curses that keep poverty in place in the family.
2. Strongmen Besides the ancestral strongmen mentioned above, we have other strongmen that use the glory of family members to shine thereby rendering other family members are rendered poor while they get richer and richer. These include witchcraft, marine, and occult strongmen that exercise wicked mandates over families, controlling and dominating them.
3. Evil Covenants and Curses

1. Get to know God. Get saves and make God your friend as he is the One that ultimately can promote you. 1 Samuel 2.
2. Break all curses and renounce your sins. Do restitution where necessary. Abimelech did and he was very blessed as a result. Genesis 20:6, 17.
3. Diligently search the word of God and pull out poverty killing scriptures. Appropriate these scriptures for your life and situations to bring about prosperity. Joshua 1:8, Joel 2:23.
4. Pray destiny changing and targeted prayers.
5. Barricade your life against spiritual thieves and robbers.
6. Go through regular deliverance and sanitation to keep away spoilers, devourers, emptiers, wasters, and other anti-prosperity powers.
6. Avoid Pollution. Pray over your gifts and anoint them before using. Be careful who you accept gifts from. Be careful who you allow to stay in your home.

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