Friday 22 July 2022

87 Examples of Strange Dreams, Satanic Nightmares, And How To Tackle Them

87 Examples of Strange Dreams, Satanic Nightmares, And How To Tackle Them

87 Examples of Strange Dreams, Satanic Nightmares, And How To Tackle Them.

Many people always text or call us @arkofgreatness and @fatherokwuosa, and they ask, "I have had some types of strange dreams for years without doing anything about them.  Can I still take action now to effect a change and stop these dreams from recurring?"  The answer is YES, you can!  There's great news for you.  There is a glorious opportunity in the spiritual world that you need to know about.  If you have a tape player, you will know of two important functions: - rewind and fast forward.


Prayer and DEEP DELIVERANCE are such wonderful tools in the realm of the spirit for rewinding or fast-forwarding dream encounters.

You can rewind your dream experiences back to your childhood days through prayer.  That means you can counter the effect of all the bad dreams you had for the past ten, twenty, forty years, etc... 

Here's how you pray:

Father, in the Name of Jesus, I Step Into Time In The Spirit ANd  I reverse the effect of the negative dreams that I have had ten years ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, etc.  Any negative effect should be completely canceled by the blood of Jesus now, In Jesus' Name, Amen.

If you wake up from a bad dream, follow the steps below:

1. Do not FEAR!

2. Ask the Holy Spirit to help replay the dream in sharp focus so you'll know how to respond.

3. Launch a counter-offensive by first canceling the dream, summoning the evil actors, and dealing with them.

4. Recover what they stole from you in the Name of Jesus.

5. Release all the big spiritual missiles against them ie. Fire of God

6. Soak yourself and your loved ones in the blood of Jesus and pronounce the blessings of the Lord abundantly upon yourself.

7. Be prepared to do this repeatedly, if need be, for many days and nights.  In other words, be ready for a sustained and persistent campaign.  

As soon as you wake up from a bad dream, you should cancel it.  A simple prayer like this will work:

"I cancel that negative dream I just had about ........(fill in the blanks) in the Name of Jesus.  I decree that it shall NOT manifest in the physical in Jesus' Name.  I release the fire of God on every satanic actor in that dream.  I plead the blood of Jesus and I hold up the banner of victory in Christ Jesus.  Let the angels of the Lord go on a "search and destroy" mission in the land of the living and the dead ....... to destroy every power, spirit, personality, device, or animal programmed to attack me in the dream.  Henceforth, let nothing trouble me in the dream for I bear on my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen".   


1. Car Brakes don't work

This means the enemy is trying to take control of a certain area in your life.  Your destiny is under attack.  You have to resist this using the Word of God and prayer.  You should cancel the dream as soon as you wake up and pray that the heavenly mechanics would repair the brakes of your vehicle and ask the Holy Spirit to take charge in Jesus' name.  You have to resist using the Word of God and prayer, and very Importantly, go through DEEP DELIVERANCE.  You should cancel the dream as soon as you wake up and pray that the plans of the wicked fail. Deep Deliverance By Standing In The Gap Is Very Effective In Dealing WIth All Evil Dreams.

2. Someone who passed away takes something from you.

This means there is a spiritual link that you need to break, as you may start losing things mysteriously and things will just start going wrong.  The enemy is using that link as a conduit to siphon your virtues and blessings.  If the person is a relative, it means you have ancestral evil linkages to deal with.  Beyond Prayers, Deep Deliverance By Standing In The Gap Is Very Effective In Dealing With This.

3. Being arrested.

This means you have fallen into the trap of the spirits which engineer bondage and captivity.  You need to rise up with holy anger and pray like this:  "I release myself from every satanic cage or prison in the Name of Jesus. Beyond Prayers, Deep Deliverance By Standing In The Gap Is Very Effective In Dealing With This.

4. Wandering around in a bush.

This means the spirit of confusion is at work in your life.  You will not be able to focus on anything and do it well.  Confusion will be the order of the day.  You need the bind the spirit of confusion.  Ask the Lord to send his angel of direction into your life. Beyond Prayers, Deep Deliverance By Standing In The Gap Is Very Effective In Dealing With This.

5. Bulls or cows chasing you.

Means that witchcraft spirits are after you.  Ungodly dream interpreters will tell you cows signify good time coming.  That 's a big lie.  If you find cows coming after you in the dream, you better wake up and pray.  Bind every sp

6. Scorpion attacking you.

Means that you are up against very wicked and aggressive enemies.  They will stop at nothing to destroy.  Rise up and declare war against visible and invisible enemies.  Pray like this. "Thunder of God, scatter every satanic army

7. Lost your clothes and not able to find them.

Before you woke up means spiritual robbers are working against you, and the end result is shame and demotion, unless you take action now.  When you wake up, send the angels of God on assignment to recover what you've lost.  Ask the Holy Spi

8. Walking around barefoot.

Means shame, demotion, and hardship.  Pray and destroy the powers assigned to monitor your life and report back to your enemies.  Bind the spirits of shame and poverty.  Release the fire of God against them.  Cover yourself with th

9. Flood carrying your things away.

This means that evil consultants have been engaged to fight you.  By evil consultants I mean psychics, mediums, fortune tellers, sorcerers, enchanters. magicians, etc... Their specific assignment is to destroy or transfer your virtues and replace the

10. Seeing yourself flying.

This means you have initiated into witchcraft, whether or not you know it or not, whether you've agreed to it or not.  Some people inherit this wicked spirit from their parents and have no idea that they are blind witches.  The solution is to lo

11. Being arraigned before a judge.

Means someone is placing curses on you.  Here's where you need to know your scripture.  The Bible says, "No one can curse whom the Lord has blessed."  And " a curse causeless shall not come."  Armed with these scriptures you pray " I cancel and nullify every curse placed upon me in the Name of Jesus.  I arrest every spirit assigned to enforce curses upon my life in the Name of Jesus.  I destroy their assignment by the power in the blood of Jesus.  I declare that I am blessed of the Lord.  No one can curse whom the Lord has blessed."  This is powerful stuff and it works.  It is scriptural!

12. Being driven to an unknown destination.

Means some other power outside the Holy Spirit is in control of your life, or an area of your life, for evil.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to unseat the evil driver.  Ask the Lord to forgive you where you have rebelled against Him, and opened the door for the enemy. 

13. Surrounded by bees.

This means you are under attack by strong, highly organized enemies that will stop at nothing to destroy you.  Release the fire of God to burn them to ashes, through aggressive and persistent prayer.  That means pray against them every night until you see a sign of their defeat. 

14. Doors close before you enter.

This means the spirit of Pisgah is after you.  This is the spirit of "almost there."  It makes people fail at the edge of their breakthroughs or miracles.  It is a vagabond spirit.  It led the children of Israel to wander in the desert for 40 straight years.  You need all the spiritual ammunition you can gather against this one.  More on this one later.

15. Seeing birds following you.

Means you are being monitored.  Especially if it is a blackbird.  You are being observed and monitored for evil.  You pray "Every evil observer, be roasted by the fire of God, in Jesus' Name".  If you are not familiar with what it means to be roasted, you need to take a reading tour of Jeremiah.  He used to pray certain enemies should be roasted.  Meaning the fire of God should burn them to ashes.  Remember, the Bible says that God is a consuming fire.  See where that came from.  

16. Falling into a pit.

This means you are on a journey to spiritual slavery and captivity.  Though you might be walking around in the physical free, if you see yourself in a pit in the dream, you have already been sold into slavery.  And those responsible are those who are close to you.  Maybe members of your family, either living or dead, or workplace enemies posing as friends.  Or even church members. Remember Joseph in the bible.  Remember the prophet Jeremiah.  In both cases, it was envy and jealousy at work.  They were both cast into the pit.  You pray: " O Lord, send your angelic hosts to rescue me from the pit in Jesus name". Then you begin to declare like David in Psalm 40:2.  He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock and established my goings".  

17. Attending a meeting with unknown people.

This means you have spiritual linkages with occult and demonic groups.  This kind of thing attracts the wrath of God very easily. Why? Any gathering that is not unto the Lord is a candidate for the destructive whirlwind of the Lord.  You better not be around when it strikes.  Pray and sever your link with unknown or known evil groups, and release the fire of God to scatter them unto desolation.  For good measure, add this: "I forbid any regrouping or re-gathering of this group in the Name of Jesus".   

18. Going back to the old house.

You lived as a child means the spirits of powers of retardation operating in your family line are trying to cut short your progress and place a spiritual ceiling on your life.  If you don't stand against this through prayer and fasting, you might soon find yourself making negative or backward progress, being passed over for a promotion at work, losing favor with friends and family, making silly mistakes that annoy your boss at work, and can get you fired, etc...  You pray: " Every altar of backwardness in my father's house, collapse in the Name of Jesus". Then you quickly follow up with this one: " Let the habitation of humiliation and demotion be battered, shattered and swallowed up the power of God, in Jesus' Name". 

19. Climbing a hill with difficulty.

This means serious obstacles have been placed on your path of progress.  If you climbed the wall and when you stretch out your hand to get a good grip, it comes off, which means your faith is weak.  You need to shore up your faith by studying the Word of God and prayers.  Then you can declare this: "O Lord, let my trials become gateways to my promotions in the Name of Jesus". 

20. Teeth falling out.

Means there's trouble ahead.  One that could take its toll on your life and that of your loved ones over a period of time, unless arrested.  You can pray like this: "Every power exploring devastating strategies against my destiny, receive the judgment of God in Jesus Name". 

21. Lights going out.

This means a time of tribulation is just around the corner.  This is an advance warning.  Gird up your spiritual loins and begin to pray like this: " O God arise, and attack my attackers in the Name of Jesus.  Let my problems expire, as darkness expires before the light in the mighty Name of Jesus". 

22. Picking up coins.

This means you are under attack by the spirits of poverty.  Please note that this is a stubborn generational spirit that is usually transferred from person to person, from one generation to another.  You pray like this: "I bind the spirits of lack and poverty.  I break the backbone of lack and scarcity in my life in the Name of Jesus.  Let the chapter of lack and want be closed forever in Jesus mighty Name".

23. Playing on a losing team.

This means the Lord just released a significant breakthrough to you but before it could manifest in the physical, the enemy launched a strong counter-attack and stopped it from getting to you.  Conversely, if you played on the winning team and your s

24. Strong winds blowing against you.

This means the spirits of sudden destruction have been unleashed against you.  You have to stand your ground here, command every satanic wind to cease in the Name of Jesus.  Then you go on the offensive and unleash the whirlwind of the Lord desc

25. Wild animals charging at you.

Represent raging and violent enemies.  You begin to see problems coming at you from all directions to overwhelm you and make you lose your sense of balance.  To devastate you and keep going from one problem to another, in an endless loop. &

26. Seeing yourself being buried.

This means the spirit of death and hell is after you.  Use the scripture in Revelation 12:11 then begin to pray like this: "The anger of God shall write the obituary of all my oppressors in the Name of Jesus".  Again this is a midnight

27. Shedding tears.

This means the spirit of depression and heaviness wants to afflict you to make you sad and depressed.  To make you mourn.  The scripture to use against this spirit is Isaiah 61:3.  Then you begin to pray: "I refuse to mourn in the N

28. Stagnant or dirty water.

Seeing stagnant water means your spiritual life is being polluted.  Ask for the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus to wash you and remove every contamination from your life. 

29. Loss of hair or cutting of hair.

Losing your hair in the dream means a loss of glory and honor.  if somebody cuts your hair in the dream, the enemy is sucking away your spiritual strength.  And if you fail to take immediate action in the spirit, it will soon lead to other

30. Begging.

If you see yourself as a beggar or begging, the curse of poverty is on your life.  You need to break that curse, destroy both the roots and the fruits in your life, and return arrows of poverty back to wherever they came from.  Then use the screen.

31. Travelling on an endless journey.

If you see yourself traveling on a journey that never ends, it means the spirits of the vagabond are on you.  It's a hard road to travel, with dangers lurking on every side.  You need to terminate that evil journey and command the fire of G

32. Being driven by an unknown person.

This means you have surrendered control of your life to evil manipulators, who will end up diverting your destiny.  Pray like this: "I unseat every evil driver in the driver's seat of my life.  Let the ground open up and swallow them in the

33. Doors close before you enter (continuation).

Or something finishing before it gets to your turn to receive your own means that the spirit of "failure at the edge of miracles" is working in your life.  Stopping good things from coming to you and ushering in frustration, rejection

34. Poverty.

To dream you are poor means an area of your life (not necessarily finances) has been traded out, exchanged, or transferred to another.  You have to recover it from the hand of evil traders and cover it with the blood of Jesus.  Recommendation

35. Always sitting for examinations.

And not being able to complete it before waking up indicates obstacles on your way to progress.  A spirit of failure and stagnancy at work.   

36. Dream of death.

You should rise up and begin to cancel every ordinance of death and hell against your life and your loved ones.  At times the death might just be targeted at certain areas of your life, eg. marriage, finances, or even certain organs of the body.

37. Consulting Psychics or mediums.

This means that evil counselors are at work against you to divert your destiny, lead you astray and push you away from the will of God.  You must also be careful of agents of the devil posing as Christians.... on assignment to lead you astray.  

38. Cancer.

Cancer in the dream is a clear indication that there is satanic plantations that need to be uprooted from your body.  And there are many ways to do it.  You can pray, machine-gun style, like this: "Satanic plantations in my body, be up

39. Carrying a basket on your head.

Carrying a basket on your head signifies the spirit of profitless hard work.  That is you work like an elephant but eat like an ant. Like pouring water into a basket.......hard work, very little result.

40. Bats flying around.

Means spiritual blindness.  You are not able to see things in the spirit.  Therefore you are a good candidate for deception, whether in spiritual matters or in relationships.  What to do?  Pray that the lord should enlighten your

41. See animals in your dream.

To see animals in your dream generally gives you a clue to the spiritual challenges coming against you.  My advice is you look closely at the characteristics of such animals physical and you'll have a pretty good idea of what's going on in t

42. Dreams of being abandoned.

Means rejection.  The spirit of rejection has driven many into extreme ungodliness, some in a quest for revenge, while others will do anything to gain acceptance or approval.  It was this spirit of rejection that drove Cain to murder his br

43. Dreams having to do with abortion.

This means your virtues (God-given endowments) are being withdrawn from your life.  As a result of an evil cry against you in the spirit.

44. Dreams of contact with dead parents.

Means you have ancestral covenants working against you.  You have to break such covenants and release yourself from bondage in the authority and Name of Jesus.  If you allow these covenants to remain in place, you could find yourself develo

45. Dreams of being attacked by armed persons.

This means a conspiracy is being hatched against your life and interests.  You can abort the evil conspiracy by sending the fire of God against them.  A particularly effective spiritual chapter is the "noise of great host" as described

46. Dreams of bleeding.

Dreams of bleeding mean the loss of virtues, which could translate into physical losses such as the loss of a job, loved ones, finances, or even good health. 

47. Dreams of seeing cobwebs.

Dreams of seeing cobwebs mean hindrances designed to prevent you from fulfilling your purpose in life.  You need to pray like this: "Satanic cobwebs, be roasted by fire in the Name of Jesus". 

48. Dreams of putting on earrings.

Means you have been sold into slavery.  Earrings are a sign of slavery in the spirit realm.  You need to reject it aggressively! 

49. Dreams of wearing wigs.

Means false or counterfeit glory.  Stop and examine everything you are currently engaged in.  Anything that does not bring glory to God should be eliminated immediately.  Reject every spirit of false glory and pray for your divine original.

50. Dreams of being handcuffed.

Means spiritual captivity, and it could translate into the physical where you find yourself in a situation that is extremely difficult to extricate yourself from.  

51. Dreams of being at a funeral.

Whether it is your funeral or someone else's means the spirit of death is pursuing you.  You have to stand against this one with all the weapons of warfare that you know.  Release the fire of God on the funeral service, disband and scatter.

52. Dreams of appearing before great mountains.

Means great difficulties are ahead......such difficulties that can melt your heart and courage and make you want to throw in the towel and quit.  If you decide to deal with this, you can cut it short before it has a chance to manifest.  

53. Dreams of climbing with difficulty.

54. Dreams of being accused in court.

Means you are being cursed.  Cancel, reject and revoke the curse in the Name of Jesus, and replace it with the blessings in God in Deut 28 from verses one to fourteen. 

55. Dreams of seeing padlocks

Means your destiny has been locked up.  It will manifest as a lack of progress, living a life of struggles and hard bondage.....until you learn the type of prayers that break satanic padlocks like this: "Every satanic padlock working against me,break by fire".

56. Dreams of wearing tattered clothes

This means poverty, shame and disgrace have been programmed into the life of that person in the spirit.  Pray the same as seeing padlocks.

57. Dreams of eating.

This means that your spirit man is very dull and weak, and is not strong enough to withstand satanic activities against you.  In fact, they could even feed you with human flesh and blood in the dream this way, and by the time you wake up, you find the taste in your mouth

58. Dreams of cooking for hours on end.

This means that you are engaged in unprofitable or fruitless hard work.  Terminate the evil assignment by the blood of Jesus, and ask the Holy Spirit to redirect your handiwork. 

59. Dreams of vehicle breaking down while traveling.

Means hindrances and blockages targeted against your wheels of progress.  Ask the heavenly mechanics to repair your vehicle and remove every hindrance to your way of progress.    

60. Dreams of entering vehicles or aircraft.

And not knowing the destination means the spirit of the vagabond. the wandering spirit is at work again.  There's an old saying that a "rolling stone gathers no moss".  

61. Dreams of the darkness of any form.

Signify the presence of evil powers.  They cast a spiritual blanket in an environment and if you are operating there, it will seem like your heaven has become brass.  You simply command the evil blanket to be roasted in Jesus' Name.

62. Dreams of being shot.

Means you have satanic hunters firing arrows into your life.  Sooner or later it will manifest in the physical unless you know how to deal with it. 

63. Dreams of being naked.

Means the enemy wants to disgrace you, period!  The scripture to apply here is Isaiah 61:7. 

64. Dreams of seeing yourself in chains.

Signify slavery either in a particular area of your life or a total way.  Pray: "I break every satanic chain in my life in the mighty Name of Jesus.  I release the fire of God against my oppressors in Jesus' Name".  

65. Dreams of having your things stolen.

This means a significant loss of your goods or property.  Here's what you do: Blow the trumpet in the spirit to summon the spirits in charge of this operation.  Command them to return what they stole sevenfold in the Name of Jesus. 

66. Dreams of having your wedding dress stolen.

Is an advanced warning that the spirits of marriage destruction are working against you.  You need to rise up aggressively and cancel your assignment.  Then go on the offensive by summoning them together and releasing the judgment of the Lord on them.

67. Dreams of having your Bible stolen.

Means someone is trying to take away your spirituality and cause your love for Jesus to run cold.  It could even lead to backsliding and ultimately, destruction. 

68. Dreams of getting confused.

This means arrows of confusion have been fired against you.  Return the arrows like this: "Every arrow of confusion, go back to your senders in the Name of Jesus".  

69. Dreams of having your clothes torn.

This means judgment has been passed against you in the spirit realm.  This is a very serious matter.  You need to address it, canceling it and nullifying it with the power in the blood of Jesus. (only if you are truly saved) 

70. Dreams of being cursed.

This means a satanic embargo has been placed on your progress in life.  Unless you break the curse and cancel its evil consequences, you might just find life suddenly becoming a HUGE burden, friends turning to enemies, those who should help to refuse.

71. Dreams of having sex.

This means you have a spirit spouse who will do everything in its power to destroy your earthly marriage, just to keep you for themselves.  They sometimes cause business failure, get anyone who comes close fired from work, and even arrange fatal acid.

72. Dreams of being amputated.

Means significant and permanent loss, resulting in deep feelings of frustration, powerlessness, and helplessness.  

73. Dreams of going back to childhood days.

Means retardation, backward progress, and stagnancy.

74. Dreams of nursing or breastfeeding a strange baby.

This means your virtues are being spiritually withdrawn.  You need to release the fire of God to burn the strange baby to ashes.  Then you withdraw your virtues from the evil storehouse.  

75. Dreams of losing your shoes.

Is a sign of marital and relationship failure looming on the horizon. Better cancel it quickly and go on the offensive to recover your marriage from the hands of evil spiritual consultants. 

76. Dreams of losing your key.

Signify a loss of spiritual authority and power.  As soon as this happens, the enemy will sharpen his arrows and begin to fire them into your finances, marriage, ministry, health, etc. Ask the Lord to send his ministering angels to recover your keys.

77. Dreams of dogs attacking you.

This means sexual demons have been programmed into your life.  You'll have to pray hard not to fall into sexual sins. 

78. Dreams of cats attacking you.

Means you are laboring under witchcraft attacks.  

79. Dreams of serpents.

This means you are under attack by wickedly intelligent enemies on a mission to steal, kill and destroy. 

80. Dreams of a crocodile.

Means you have strong links with terrible spirits living in the water kingdom.  It's either you have been initiated into their evil group or you have been donated to them as their meat, a helpless victim. These are proud and ruthless spirits.

81. Dreams of drinking alcohol.

Introduce confusion in the life of a person. 

82. Dreams of being exhausted always.

Signify spiritual sluggishness.  What is known as the "snail anointing".  It makes people miss their divine opportunities and leaves them operating in the tail region, instead of the head.  This one calls for prayer and fasting.

83. If you find yourself vomiting in the dream.

Could signify an ejection of evil spiritual materials from your body. 

84. Dream of rotten fruit or eggs.

If you find yourself with rotten fruit or eggs in the dream you need to rise up and pray against devourers, emptiers, and wasters on assignment to destroy the works of your hands. 

85. If you find yourself in the midst of people wearing. uniforms, Especially black regalia, it's probably that you come from a long line of occult people and your entire bloodline has been covenanted to deities you know nothing about.  In the spirit realm, ignorance is no excuse. 

86. Slow-moving animals in the dream.

If you constantly see slow-moving animals in the dream, it means you are operating with the tortoise and snail anointing.  Sluggish progress or none at all; operating at the tail position instead of the head, and having the painful experience of life.

87. Seeing a multitude of flies.

Seeing a multitude of flies in the dream means the witchcraft devourers have been programmed against your source of income and sustenance.  stand against them in the Name of the Lord and release the fire of God to burn them to ashes.



1. You always miss the timing of good things, either by omission or commission?

2. You are promised help or favor by people, but before they can help you, bad things happen to them making them unable to fulfill their promises to you.

3. On the day you are invited to receive a favor or help, things beyond your control or things you don’t understand mysteriously or forcibly keep you from going to the place of help or blessing.

4. In the midst of many people, you are always singled out for rebuke, reprimand, query, suspension, retrenchment, or victimization for no just cause.

5. You are always punished for other people’s crimes and offenses.

6. People somehow find it difficult to help you. They’ll rather give their help to someone else who is less deserving.

7. You or others make great efforts to make something or an occasion very successful only for you to make a little silly mistake that ruins the whole thing.

8. You always have last-minute disappointments.

9. Despite your gifts, talents, and potential, men find it easy to forget, ignore or bypass you; or even use and dump you.

10. Your progress is not commensurate with your efforts (your input always exceeds the output, no matter what you do).

11. In the midst of many people, you are the one disaster strikes all the time.

12. You are always visited with regular and repeated tragedies or near-death situations.

13. You repeatedly lose opportunities for political, business, financial or educational rising?

14. You labor and when it is time to reap, something somehow will push you out of place and you start again. And you keep starting things and never finishing.

15. With all your good character, sweet, loving, and caring nature, your relationships or marriage is in shambles. Breakups and heartbreak pain all the time. Everything you do, it is seen and looked upon with serious fault...!

16. You do good, but you are paid back seriously with evil, and your life is full of deep hatred from people.

16. Any other repeatedly unpleasant experience that you feel no one will understand.


There can be shallow deliverance, partial deliverance, or unfinished deliverance; but people of destiny NEEDS DEEP PROPHETIC DELIVERANCE TO THE ROOT OF THE MATTERS OF THEIR LIVESMany Persistently Wrong Things That Happens In People’s Lives Are Answerable To An Understanding of DEEP PROPHETIC DELIVERANCE. Not just going to deliverance and falling down and getting up…No! Or someone prophesying to you...NO! Deep Prophetic Deliverance Deals With Issues With A Root-of-The-Matter Approach and Ministration, That Whatever Be The Case, The Secrets of The Enemy Is Exposed and Your Total Life and Destiny, Marriage, Finance, Star, Talent, Business, Family or Ministry Is Reset For Maximum Fulfillment. IN ALL, GOD IS GLORIFIED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. JESUS CHRIST HAS NEVER STOPPED BEING THE ANSWER. Anything offered to you beyond what Jesus Christ Has Done and Is Still Doing Is A Greater Bondage.

For Counselling, Prayers, and Deep Prophetic Deliverance Schedule, Arrangement, and booking @Ark of Greatness, Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria.  Follow The Senior Pastor @Fada Okwuosa (FB Profile Page).

Direct Personal Line/Whatsapp On +2348023512565. 

Follow also my pages Father Okwuosa on Instagram and Father Okwuosa Page on Facebook.


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