Friday 20 April 2018



The effects of sexual sin are far-reaching and often missed for years.

You find some really crazy verses in the Bible about sexual sin! What in the world is God so worked up about? If He made our bodies and He made sex, then why does He give us rules about it?
Didn't He make it for our pleasure?
Didn’t He say we are to love one another?
It seems that throughout the last century and into this one, the subject of sex has been talked about in every way possible.
People were in a more mobile society at this point than they ever were before. It was the dawn of the amusement park and other places that offered the population an experience in pleasure they had not had in times past. Pleasure, fun, and amusement. Along comes the telephone and now folks can get together and relate in a totally different way. Also, the telephone was another way for people to hold private conversations as well. It was a new era! And guess what the hushed topic of conversation often was? Yes, you guessed it, sex! 
Move along to the 1960’s and we see that the “women’s movement” and the cry for “sexual revolution” became household lingo and along with those phrases came behavior. So, as we continued moving forward as a nation, losing the inhibitions that kept at least some of the population in check, sexually, others were going forth hearing the much-mentioned phrase in their heads, “if it feels good, do it.”  Now, with internet porn and erotic novels that boast of sexual lust and rough sex lying alongside the Bible on the coffee table we've entered into a new normal that is anything but innocent fun.

Why God Cautions Against Sexual Sin

So, let’s introduce God and the scripture into this crazy mix. Where do you place Him in a world that is running a muck with immoral sexual behaviour being touted as “freedom?” Herein we find a real problem and dare I say one that is being swept under the rug more and more often.
Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
~ 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
What does He mean when Paul advises us in 1 Corinthians 6:18-20? He talks about the two becoming one flesh. He also tells us to flee from sexual immorality because this is a sin against your own body. This would include pornography, homosexuality, bestiality, the child sex trade, etc. He says that we are to honour God with our bodies. What does this mean?

Connected for Life

We have been bought with a price, that, being, Jesus’ sacrifice of his own life, this means that those who have taken Jesus as savior have been connected to Him for eternity.  If we are connected to Him we should not be connected to another person outside of the bonds of the relationship as God has described it, i.e., marriage. If we connect with another person outside of marriage, then we have also stopped honoring God with our behavior through disobedience. So, why is he so adamant about that? What is the harm?
When we are joined to another person sexually outside of the confines of the scripture, we are going away from God and risk moving into a place that is dangerous. 
When there is sexual contact, there is an exchange of DNA
That is our body’s own code. We are told to connect and “be one with” our marriage partner. When we move outside of that, we may risk sickness as well as contract any evil spiritual bondage the other person walks with. By contract, I mean that because we have walked away from the boundaries that God has set for us, we move into a place of disobedience and we are subject to the ramifications. His boundaries are set for our safety. He loves us that much. He does not want us to be given to “lusts of the flesh” because they will take us away from the place in which obedience secures us.
When we have sexual contact with someone outside the bonds of our own marriage, there is a mixture of DNAWe may not realize that those new ideas or opinions that we now have are not our own. When did we even care or even think about some of the things we now do? When did we start to notice that twinge in our joints or that we now have migraines when we never did before?
These are just some examples of mixing spiritually with someone outside of the boundaries of the word of God. Just like the safety that is attached to a firearm for protection, we can disengage that safety that keeps us secure and free of harm spiritually when we engage in disobedient behavior, sexual or any other kind as well.
God leaves that choice up to us; we were given free will by Him in order to make these choices.

Breaking Free

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. ~ Psalm 51:17
So, then what do we do? Once this has been discovered, (and the enemy of our soul works really hard to keep this information covered up) how do we deal with it? God has made a way out! He keeps it really simple too. We can go to the cross with a contrite heart, as we see in Psalm 51:17.

This is the story about David and his great sin. He brought his broken and contrite heart to God and repented before Him because of his sin. When we are truly broken over our sin, it is then that the God of all forgiveness immediately forgives us. We will also want to renounce this behavior and not allow ourselves to move into lusts that can take us away into sexual sin again. God is ready and willing to help us do that because that temptation will surely come once more. But we can be strong in Him and the power of His might. Not our own, because our own flesh will surely fail.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. ~ Ephesians 6:10.
Once we come to God with repentance and renouncement we are able to break any soul ties with the other person and declare that their DNA is given back to them and we can take back ours as well, mentally, physically and spiritually.
Freedom from the shadow of shame that sexual sin brings and that keeps us hunched over in darkness is most refreshing!
There is nothing like walking in the newness of forgiveness and being made clean once more.
Jesus has made the way for us to do this. He is the bridge that we may walk upon that enables us to reach the throne room of God. His word says that we may come boldly to His throne for help and grace in our time of need. That is our choice and it is available to us continually all the time, every day! We GET to stand up and go into the presence of the Lord in order to receive that help and grace that the verse in Hebrews 4:16 tells us about.
God’s plan is for us to walk in freedom within the safety of his boundaries. Just as we would have our own children learn to not run into the street or to touch the stove, He, as well wants us to remain safe and whole and living in truth and with the knowledge of His love.
If you have ventured off the path that God provides for you, it is but with a simple prayer that He will restore that which was lost. Purity can once again be regained which enables us to walk with our backs straight and our heads held high, not in pride but with the knowledge that we are fathered by a God that loves us that much!.

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