Tuesday, 23 June 2020



Dreaming is a natural way in which the spirit world breaks out into our lives. Dreams can be described as the dark speech of the spirit. They can be keys to unlocking the door to the inner world.

Dreams have been referred to as the speech of the spirit. They are means of revelation. Unfortunately, modern men and women have chosen to either ignore dreams altogether or to fear that an interest in them is lack of civilization. The fact is that if we would listen, dreams can help us find increased spiritual victory and help.

Dreams – Sources of Revelation
Once we have the revelation that dreams can be a key to unlocking the door to the spirit world, we can take some vital steps. First, we can specifically pray inviting God to inform us through our dreams. Secondly, we should declare war when dreams are used against us and thirdly, we should learn how to interpret dreams.

The best way to discover the meaning of dreams is to ask the Holy Spirit.
It is worthy of note that God promised that He would speak to His people by dreams in the last days. Acts 2:17 says: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.”

Therefore, our dreams need to be studied and analyzed with a view to decoding their messages.
There is no other passage to turn to for a proper understanding of victory over satanic dreams than Matthew 13:25: “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed.. .”

Unfortunately, the problems in the lives of most people start with instances of satanic dreams.

SOURCES OF DREAMS – Every normal person is supposed to sleep. By the time a person is sixty years old he would have spent twenty years sleeping. And since one-third of our lifetime is spent sleeping, it means that a large percentage of our life is spent dreaming as dreaming occurs during sleep. Dreams can come from God. It can come from man. It can also come from the enemy.

When the dream is from God, the dreamer is left normal, calm, quiet, reasonable, with open and clear mind after that dream. Also if it is the Almighty talking to you in the dream, He will give you: assurance, encouragement, comfort, directions, instruction, guidance, exhortation, correction, revelation of the future, revelation of His plans and purposes to you.

If it is from your enemy or satan, the dream will be mysterious, absurd, sometimes empty, sometimes foolish, and sometimes leaving the person confused and dazed. The dream would be so unreasonable, most time it would not make any sense; sometimes it is so mysterious that you wonder what kind of dream it is.
God in His own wisdom has designed dream for man.

• drinking dirty water – it means the enemy wants to poison your spiritual life and reduce your fire.

• drowning and crying for help – the enemy is planning tribulations for you

• something keeps obstructing you as you seek to cross from one place to another – the enemy is trying to hinder your progress.

• always eating meat – you have become a witch participating in witchcraft feeding

• always eating, and your mouth is even forced open to take food in the dream – it means the enemy wants to weaken your spiritual power and plant sickness into your life.

• climbing a mountain with difficulty – it means the enemy is making you toil before you can survive.

• being in traffic hold-up – the enemy is introducing sluggishness into your life, to hinder you from reaching your goals in life.

• nursing a strange baby, or milking a strange baby – the enemy is drinking the milk of your life.

• falling into a pit and unable to come out – the enemy has imprisoned you.

• wind and whirlwind fighting against you – God is trying to tell you that there are troubles ahead to retard your progress.

• cap being blown away by the wind – it means disgrace is on its way for you.

• loss of something very important like your shoes or sandals – marital disturbance is coming.

• documents stolen in the dream – the enemy is trying to make those documents useless.

• clothes being stolen in the dream – this is an attack on your honour and glory.

• carrying a heavy load – the enemy is trying to introduce paralysing problems into your life, the kind of things that will make the person unable to move.

Father Henry A, Okwuosa Is THe Lead Pastor of Ark of Greatness International, Asaba - Nigeria. You Can Reach Him Directly Via Email: arkofgreatness@gmail.com Or Via Calls and WhatsApp: +2348039681543



1. You always miss the timing of good things, either by omission or commission?

2. You are promised help or favour by people, but before they can help you, bad things happen to them making them unable to fulfil their promises to you.

3. On the day you are invited to receive a favour or help, things beyond your control or things you don’t understand mysteriously or forcibly keeps you from going to the place of help or blessing.

4. In the midst of many people, you are always singled out for rebuke, reprimand, query, suspension, retrenchment or victimization for no just cause.

5. You are always punished for other people’s crimes and offences.

6. People somehow find it difficult to help you. They’ll rather give their help to someone else who is less deserving.

7. You or others make great efforts to make something or an occasion very successful only for you to make a little silly mistake that ruins the whole thing.

8. You always have last minute disappointments.

9. Despite your gifts, talents and potentials, men find it easy to forget, ignore or bypass you; or even use and dump you.

10. Your progress is not commensurate with your efforts (your input always exceeds the output, no matter what you do).

11. In the midst of many people, you are the one disaster strikes all the time.

12. You are always visited with regular and repeated tragedies or near death situations.

13. You repeatedly loose opportunities for political, business, financial or educational rising?

14. You labour and when it is time to reap, something somehow will push you out of place and you start again. And you keep starting things and never finishing.

15. With all you good character, sweet, loving and caring nature, your relationships or marriage is in shambles. Breakups and heartbreak pains all the time. Everything you do, it is seen and looked upon with serious fault...!

16. You do good, but you are paid back seriously with evil, and your life is full of deep hatred from people.

16. Any other repeatedly unpleasant experience that you feel no one will understand.


There can be shallow deliverance, partial deliverance, unfinished deliverance; but people of destiny NEEDS DEEP PROPHETIC DELIVERANCE TO THE ROOT OF THE MATTERS OF THEIR LIVES

Many Persistently Wrong Things That Happens In People’s Lives Are Answerable To An Understanding of DEEP PROPHETIC DELIVERANCE . Not just going to a deliverance and falling down and getting up…No! Or someone prophesying to you...NO! Deep Prophetic Deliverance Deals With Issues With A Root-of-The-Matter Approach and Ministration, That Whatever Be The Case, The Secrets of The Enemy Is Exposed and Your Total Life and Destiny, Marriage, Finance, Star, Talent, Business, Family or Ministry Is Reset For Maximum Fulfillment. IN ALL, GOD IS GLORIFIED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. JESUS CHRIST HAS NEVER STOP BEING THE ANSWER.

Anything offered to you beyond what Jesus Christ Has Done and Is Still Doing Is A Greater Bondage.

For Counselling, Prayers and Deep Prophetic Deliverance Schedule, Arrangement and booking @Ark of Greatness Int'l Church, Asaba, Nigeria.

Follow The Senior Pastor @Fada Okwuosa (FB Profile Page).

Man of God Direct Mobile Line/WhatsApp: +2348039681543

Follow also my pages Father Okwuosa on instagram and Father Okwuosa Page on Facebook.

Email: arkofgreatness@gmail.com

Speak On Skype: Add using arkofgreatness@gmail.com

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