Saturday 19 January 2019



The first case of nakedness recorded in the bible is in Genesis 3:1-24. Nakedness carries with it the weight of shame and disgrace.
Nakedness is a very serious thing before God. It bothers on the issue of evil garments which was an issue with mankind right from the beginning. Adam and Eve were naked but not ashamed. This was until sin came in and then they became conscious of their nakedness, their sorry state. Some people are fully clothed in their own eyes but as far as God is concerned they are naked.

Revelation 3:17-18 Says, "You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see."  (NIV)

Nakedness is the following.
1.    It is to be without covering.
2.    It is to be exposed, leaving yourself to be attacked by evil forces.
3.    It is to be unprotected. It is when the protection of God described under Psalm 91 is no longer there.
4.    It is to be without your umbrella.
5.    It is to be unclothed in the spirit realm. Matthew 25:36.

Nakedness is to be uncovered before God and before the powers of darkness and probably not even be aware of it. It is to become the laughing stock of your enemies. I pray that will not be our portion in the mighty name of Jesus.

Nahum 3:5 Says, “I am against you,” declares the Lord Almighty. I will lift your skirts over your face. I will show the nations your nakedness and the kingdoms your shame.  (NIV)

1.    It takes spiritual eyes to see it and spiritual discernment to perceive it. This explains why Adam and Eve never knew that they were naked until their eyes were opened.
2.    Nakedness comes in levels and stages. Some are totally naked; others are naked from the head to the waist; and yet others from the waist down.
3.    For some it is their womanhood and their manhood that are exposed pointing to what the devil wants to use to bring them to shame. Others it is their breasts, pointing to the spirit of seduction in them that needs to be addressed and dealt with.
4.    There is yet hope for you today because even nakedness cannot separate you from the love of Christ. Romans 8:35.
5.    As Christians, we are expected to put on certain garments. Nakedness is not one of them. We are to put on Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith and all that He represents such as love, mercy, and wisdom.  We are to think like Jesus, act like Jesus, and take on His personality. 
6.    It is our responsibility as Christians to cover our fellow Christians when they are naked. Matthew 25:41-46. This is also why the Bible warns us to be careful lest we ourselves fall into the same temptation in the following verse: "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." 1 Corinthians 10:12.

The naked are:
1.    The unprotected.
2.    Those clothed with any other garment other than the white garment which the Father and Jesus wears and expects us to wear. Revelation 3:18.
3.    Those clothed with dirty garments that can never be white again.
4.    Those that are covered with inadequate garments or garments that can never truly cover a person properly. For example running to beggarly powers for help.
5.    Those that are wearing garments that are too small for them and so expose them.
6.    Those that have a wrong perception of themselves than God has of them.
7.    Those wearing garments that God never ordained for them to wear.
8.    Those that are uncovered. This could be partially or totally.
9.    Those that are exposed without divine protection.
10. Those that are on the outside where the blood of Jesus cannot cover them and the umbrella of the Almighty cannot cover them.
11. Those that are robed in any other garment other than the garment of Christ. Revelation 3:17-18.
a.    This will debar you from the marriage supper of the Lamb. Revelation 19:9.
b.    Money cannot buy it.
c.    Only the blood of Jesus can qualify you to wear it and can keep it clean.
12. Those that are wearing the garment of shame and disgrace.

1.    Sin. Adam and Eve.
2.    Disobedience. Nahum 3:5.
3.    Ignorance
4.    Unrighteousness
5.    Dishonoring those to whom honor is due such as parents and other spiritual authority figures.
6.    Going outside the covering of Jesus to places where God is not welcome such as cult houses; Hindu and Buddhist temples; and other polluted places.
7.    Spiritual insensitivity – spiritual slumber, blindness, deafness, and lack of discernment. Revelation 3:18.
8.    Evil association
9.    Stealing. Joshua 7:1-24.
10.Rebellion. Good examples are Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. Numbers 16:1-28, 26:9-10. Also the Israelites who made the golden calf and went naked and wild serving it.  Exodus 32:4-35.
11. Bringing in unclean or cursed things. For example, Achan suffered destruction because of this. Joshua 7:24.
12. Evil arrows.
13. Satanic programming of evil load into a person's life.
14. Foundational problems.
15. Evil altars and satanic intermediaries.
17. Curses and unbroken covenants.

1.    It steals a person’s glory.
     Adam and Eve lost their glory and were driven out of the beautiful garden to a hard life life of laboring under a curse.Genesis 3:7-24
2.    It brings shame and disgrace.
3.    It brings reproach to the name of Christ. David and Bathsheba.
4.    It brings demotion. Samson was demoted.  Adam and Eve were demoted.
5.    It exposes the person to terrible attacks
6.    It takes you back to square one. This is what happened to Gideon. Judges 8:24-27.
7.    Destruction.
8.    Sickness.
9.    Captivity including spiritual and physical slavery.
10. Evil transfer and exchange.  For example, of sickness, affliction, and untimely death.
11. Untimely death.  Samson died prematurely with his enemies.
12. Caging of blessings and potentials.
13. Failure.
14. Loss of spiritual power and strength. For example, Samson not only lost his eyes but he also lost his strength and power. Judges 16:19-20.
15. Affliction and suffering.  Adam and Eve were driven out of the garden to hard labor.
16. To make your position to be given to another. A good example is Judas Iscariot.
17. Collective captivity.
      The whole of Israel suffered for Achan's nakedness. Joshua 22:20. The whole of mankind is still suffering because of the nakedness of Adam and Eve.

Revelation 16:15, Revelation 3:18
1.   Confess your sins and stay away from sin.
2.   Deal with the source of the nakedness. For example, take away the accursed thing like Joshua did to Achan.
3.   Replace scarlet clothes with white clothes.
4.   Pray inquiry prayers asking God to open your eyes to your true position in Christ.
5.   Barricade your life with the blood of Jesus and the Fire of God.
6.   Do not stray from God’s word and His will. Psalm 119:67, Hebrews 10:36.
7.    Be careful who you associate with.  Avoid unfriendly friends. Judges 2:3, 1 Corinthians 15:33.


1. You always miss the timing of good things, either by omission or commission?
2. You are promised help or favour by people, but before they can help you, bad things happen to them making them unable to fulfil their promises to you.
3. On the day you are invited to receive a favour or help, things beyond your control or things you don’t understand mysteriously or forcibly keeps you from going to the place of help or blessing.
4. In the midst of many people, you are always singled out for rebuke, reprimand, query, suspension, retrenchment or victimization for no just cause.
5. You are always punished for other people’s crimes and offences.
6. People somehow find it difficult to help you. They’ll rather give their help to someone else who is less deserving.
7. You or others make great efforts to make something or an occasion very successful only for you to make a little silly mistake that ruins the whole thing.
8. You always have last minute disappointments.
9. Despite your gifts, talents and potentials, men find it easy to forget, ignore or bypass you; or even use and dump you.
10. Your progress is not commensurate with your efforts (your input always exceeds the output, no matter what you do).
11. In the midst of many people, you are the one disaster strikes all the time.
12. You are always visited with regular and repeated tragedies or near death situations.
13. You repeatedly loose opportunities for political, business, financial or educational rising?
14. You labour and when it is time to reap, something somehow will push you out of place and you start again. And you keep starting things and never finishing.
15. With all you good character, sweet, loving and caring nature, your relationships or marriage is in shambles. Breakups and heartbreak pains all the time. Everything you do, it is seen and looked upon with serious fault...!
16. You do good, but you are paid back seriously with evil, and your life is full of deep hatred from people.
16. Any other repeatedly unpleasant experience that you feel no one will understand.

There can be shallow deliverance, partial deliverance, unfinished deliverance; but people of destiny NEEDS DEEP PROPHETIC DELIVERANCE TO THE ROOT OF THE MATTERS OF THEIR LIVESMany Persistently Wrong Things That Happens In People’s Lives Are Answerable To An Understanding of DEEP PROPHETIC DELIVERANCE . Not just going to a deliverance and falling down and getting up…No! Or someone prophesying to you...NO! Deep Prophetic Deliverance Deals With Issues With A Root-of-The-Matter Approach and Ministration, That Whatever Be The Case, The Secrets of The Enemy Is Exposed and Your Total Life and Destiny, Marriage, Finance, Star, Talent, Business, Family or Ministry Is Reset For Maximum Fulfillment. IN ALL, GOD IS GLORIFIED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. JESUS CHRIST HAS NEVER STOP BEING THE ANSWER.Anything offered to you beyond what Jesus Christ Has Done and Is Still Doing Is A Greater Bondage.
For Counselling, Prayers and Deep Prophetic Deliverance Schedule, Arrangement and booking @Ark of Greatness, Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria.  Follow The Senior Pastor @Fada Okwuosa (FB Profile Page).

Direct Personal Line/Whatsapp On +2348039681543. 
Follow also my pages Father Okwuosa on instagram and Father Okwuosa Page on Facebook.

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