Monday, 16 April 2018

Habitually neglecting the gathering of God's people is an expensive form of spiritual neglect. Take a moment and think on what a spectacular gift Christian fellowship really is. These blessings and more accrue to the life of a believer, when you commit to and embrace fellowship with God’s people:
1. You demonstrate a sincere love for Jesus. 1John 4:19-20; Romans 12:9-16
2. You receive the encouragement of harmony. Rom. 15:5
3. You experience mutual acceptance among radically different people. Rom. 15:7
4. You benefit from mutual instruction, encouragement and correction. Rom. 15:14
5. You gain opportunities for joy, mutual comfort, unity, encouragement and peace. 2Cor. 13:11; 1Th. 4:18; 1Th. 5:11 Fellowship Picture
6. You use your newfound freedom for the loving service of others. Gal. 5:13
7. You receive God-given opportunities to develop patience. Eph. 4:1-2
8. You become aware of God-given opportunities to grow in kindness and forgiving others. Eph. 4:32; Col. 3:13
9. You receive mutual encouragement and growth that comes from corporate worship before God. Col 3:16
10. You demonstrate reverence to Christ. Eph. 5:21
11. You put yourself on God’s pathway for cultivating spiritual growth. Col. 3:7-10
12. You gain opportunities to see God’s answers to prayer especially in the lives of others. 2Th. 1:3 cf. 1Th. 3:11-12
13. You receive confrontation from others, making yourself less vulnerable to the hardening deceitfulness of sin. Heb. 3:13
14. You stir up others to love and good works, while being stirred up by others to love and good works. Heb. 10:24-25
15. You gain many opportunities to put to death your judgmental spirit. James 4:11, 5:9
16. You are freed to confidentially speak private things to a trusted brother or sister and benefit by their prayers for you. James 5:16
17. You grow in humility. 1Pet. 5:5
18. You make the Gospel more visible to a dark world. John 13:35; 1Th. 4:9; Titus 3:3; 1John 3:11, 23; 1John 4:7, 11-12; 2John 5.
Author Bio

"Father" is the covenant name God gave his choice minister, Apostle Henry A. Okwuosa, on April 17th, 1999, saying to him that "After the order of Abraham, you are going to be a father of many nations. kings and queens will be your children, presidents and prime ministers, and you will teach professors".
He Is The Founding Pastor of Ark of Greatness International, "The Winning Church," commissioned to "RAISE STRONG AND MATURE BELIEVERS WHO TAKE GENERATIONAL TERRITORIES FOR CHRIST, BY HIS WORD AND BY HIS HOLY SPIRIT".
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